Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Investment Strategy

Why did you pick the stocks that you did?

Everyone has their own stock picks and entitled to their opinions as to why they chose those certain companies they wish to essentially be "a part" of. Well My choices I am going to be sticking to are Amazon(AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Google (GOOG), IBM, and Yahoo! Inc (YHOO). The reason I chose these specific stocks is due to the fact that these stocks usually remain stable, if anything else, go up. Of course there are times of fluctuation where their values will heavily drop, but they pick up rather quick because these are major businesses, corporations, etc., that are relied upon the most. Overall, they have a significant popularity factor that can semi-guarantee a route toward success and is why I chose them. A perfect example would be with the Google stock. It is establishing itself as a powerhouse corporation, and has a high stock value. So due to it's popularity, its value will increase, but if there is a decrease, it won't be for long, but it will be quite a loss in profit. But as expected, it will surely pick itself back up. Same as for the other stocks I chose.

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